Member welcome


If you are reading this means that you are granted the right to access to the restricted part of the website of the FEES. Being part of our family means that you are an important person in the European Ergonomics community.

This site provides you access to a valuable information source and a possibility to contribute in the FEES activity.

However in the same time it should be a challenge to learn a new way of collaboration and networking or sharing information and other resources. Please remember, that the quality of the site depends on the family, so you can expect to find in these pages what you are willing to produce. We will maintain and extend this site together, so at least at the beginning we keep in organic.

What you can do:

  • Create, modify, erase content, including the "please install / fix" this on the site" page
  • Express your opinion in forums and polls
  • Maintain your profile

What you must be aware: Do not work in the public part of the site, it can be effective without any further reviews.

Please create new content in this restricted area. later we will adopt a policy on what should be public and what is for the family, but until that I reserve the right to move content to the public part. I started a forum on this issue. Major modifications on the site, or decisions on certain issues are made after a 2 weeks discussion.

You are encouraged to start forum topics if you need, and to answer questions. In line with polls these are our methods to think together, deliver and succeed.

What to ensure:

  • Come back at least every 2 weeks or follow us with the RSS feed.
  • Complete your profile
  • Provide all the information you think should be useful in other societies.
  • Report the improper, update the outdated contents, and correct the spelling and linguistic mistakes.

Keep in mind that your activity is logged. Till other decision the log file will be used for the evaluation of the website. We do our best to protect your personal data as well as our common intellectual property, but right now we only can promise that we use the features of the Dupal system in a fair way.

Enjoy the process and enjoy the results.

Gyula Szabó

Chair of the ComPromCom FEES